What We Do
We help women and minority business owners identify and close the gaps keeping them from getting bigger corporate contracts. We provide strategic alliance training to Disadvantaged Business Owners (DBOs). DBOs include women, minority and other groups as formally identified globally by Fortune 500 companies. The training allows DBOs to develop alliances with other companies and ultimately with the Fortune 500. These alliances enable DBOs to grow their businesses by successfully meeting and exceeding the contracting requirements of the largest companies in the world.
DBOs – Get contracts with the largest companies in the world by obtaining the knowledge to bring viable value-based solutions geared towards the value drivers of large companies. More importantly, the ability to solve the size disadvantage / capacity challenge. |
Corporates – We increase innovation and supply chain cost performance by increasing the level of capabilities and value creation potential of DBOs. Corporates are the primary beneficiaries of this program as improved supplier performance increases profitability. |